Wednesday, 14 May 2008


This week I felt that I was making real progress in my recovery. I had an appointment with my cardiologist who, after a thorough examination told me that I had made sufficient progress to be discharged from his care! This is great news because I am now considered to be satisfactorily healed not to require further monitoring. My breast bone has healed very well, and, although it is still sore I don't have to treat it with 'kid gloves' any more. I still have to be cautious, but I can now be the judge of what I can and cannot do. I am OK to start golf at the beginning of June, but I have been warned that I must pay attention to what my body tells me. I don't intend going 'mad' but I will be back on the golf course on the 1st June and I will play my society monthly medal on the 7th. Let's see how I get on!
My discharge from cardiac care also means that I am almost clear for my transplant surgery. My cardiologist suggested that I wait another month before I put myself forward. My renal consultant suggested that I wait 'til our next meeting in a few weeks time. I can then decide whether or not to go on to the waiting list or plan my donated transplantation. I would prefer to wait until the end of the Summer before I submit to further surgery. I just don't feel ready yet to go back into hospital for more major surgery. A lot will depend on how my kidneys perform over the coming weeks and months. Provided I can maintain my current level, I can safely wait until the end of the year, but if there is further deterioration I will have to either start dialysis or take the transplant that is available to me.
I do consider myself to be very fortunate in that a potentially life threatening heart condition was discovered and treated before I suffered serious consequences, and that I have the opportunity to receive a new kidney to give me an extended quality of life.
I'll let you know when I make some decisions.