Monday, 25 August 2008


It's been ages since I last posted a message on my blog. Sorry I've been neglecting you, but somehow time flew by without me sitting down and setting my thoughts in print.
I've been carrying on with my regular kidney treatment and monitoring. I have virtually recovered the kidney function I had prior to my heart surgery, but there is deterioration - slow but sure. I've been advised that I don't have too long before I have to consider a transplant and that I now qualify to be added to the waiting list. I asked if my joining the list when I have a willing donor was perhaps rather selfish, but I was advised that it is perfectly acceptable. Apparently, a kidney donated from a deceased person has a life of around 10-12 years, although they can last up to 20. However, if I have a 'regular' transplant then I'm likely to need another one in time. So, I can keep Jonathan 'in reserve' for the next time, and there is the added benefit that I don't have to put him through unnecessary (for him) surgery at this time. Then if my 'new' kidney lasts longer than average maybe I never need to use him.
I'm glad to back on the golf course, and my game is gradually getting back to normal -RUBBISH!!
I'm also back rehearsing with the band and thoroughly enjoying it.
Work is OK, but somewhat difficult at the moment because of the dreaded credit crunch, but at least I still have plenty to do.
I will try to add more very soon.