Wednesday, 14 May 2008


This week I felt that I was making real progress in my recovery. I had an appointment with my cardiologist who, after a thorough examination told me that I had made sufficient progress to be discharged from his care! This is great news because I am now considered to be satisfactorily healed not to require further monitoring. My breast bone has healed very well, and, although it is still sore I don't have to treat it with 'kid gloves' any more. I still have to be cautious, but I can now be the judge of what I can and cannot do. I am OK to start golf at the beginning of June, but I have been warned that I must pay attention to what my body tells me. I don't intend going 'mad' but I will be back on the golf course on the 1st June and I will play my society monthly medal on the 7th. Let's see how I get on!
My discharge from cardiac care also means that I am almost clear for my transplant surgery. My cardiologist suggested that I wait another month before I put myself forward. My renal consultant suggested that I wait 'til our next meeting in a few weeks time. I can then decide whether or not to go on to the waiting list or plan my donated transplantation. I would prefer to wait until the end of the Summer before I submit to further surgery. I just don't feel ready yet to go back into hospital for more major surgery. A lot will depend on how my kidneys perform over the coming weeks and months. Provided I can maintain my current level, I can safely wait until the end of the year, but if there is further deterioration I will have to either start dialysis or take the transplant that is available to me.
I do consider myself to be very fortunate in that a potentially life threatening heart condition was discovered and treated before I suffered serious consequences, and that I have the opportunity to receive a new kidney to give me an extended quality of life.
I'll let you know when I make some decisions.

Monday, 12 May 2008

BACK TO NORMAL!!!! Just where I belong

Hello again. I'm beginning to feel that I am slowly getting 'back to normal', yet I realise I don't really know what exactly that means! Over the last few weeks I've started back to work on a part-time basis, I've returned to rehearsals with the band, I'm driving regularly, but I still feel like an invalid. I'm not yet fully recovered from the surgery, I still have pain and there are still activities which are forbidden to me, notably golf! I've been told that I should be able to return to golf 'in June' but without specific advice as to when. SO I've decided that June starts on the 1st and that's when I can go back. I will start on the 1st by hitting some balls on the practice range and then play a gentle round at Dukes Meadows. I shall continue practice through the week and intend playing in my society medal competition on the 7th. I will drive round the course to preserve my energy, so watch this space for a report in due course.
Last weekend I twice visited my club at Pine Ridge to watch both my society and The Titans finishing their competitions. The weather was beautiful, and I enjoyed being in the company of many friends and acquaintances. It was a little painful being just a spectator, but knowing that I should be back very soon helped ease the 'pain'.
I'm still attending my regular rehabilitation class at Charing Cross Hospital, and they seem to be satisfied with my progress. Tomorrow I am seeing the cardiologist and renal consultant for a full update, and I'll write something about the outcome in the next day or two. Let's hope it's all good news.
Thanks again to all of you for your kind words and valued support. I'll keep writing if you'll keep reading!!!

Thursday, 1 May 2008

Sorry I've been ignoring you!!

It has been some time since I last posted an entry on the blog, and I now feel really guilty for my laziness. As I improve in health and strength, I find myself doing more 'normal' things and somehow this blog seems to be so self-indulgent that I now question its' value. However one or two of you have asked for an update, and I realise I will benefit in writing this. My recovery proceeds according to 'plan' and I am now out every day. I have started working two or three days each week, I drive and I am allowed to shop, cook etc. I still have pain in my chest, and expect this to last for at least another month before the wound in my sternum has fully healed. My leg is much improved and I can take a good long walk every day without any serious discomfort.
I'm glad to report that my kidney function is gradually improving and it now seems likely that I will be able to avoid dialysis before I am able to have my transplant. I have to attend the renal clinic once a month for monitoring, and the blood analysis is very encouraging.
And I have started a weekly rehabilitation programme at the hospital. I go through a simple cardiac check and we exercise for approximately half an hour. I feel a benefit from this programme, although some of the exercises are quite tiring.
I was fortunate enough to travel to Mallorca for a long weekend recently (photo attached) where I had a super and relaxing time. David and Julia Kreeger were so very considerate, and made the trip a huge success. Of course there was no golf, but we enjoyed some lovely sightseeing and some excellent meals.
I hope to be playing golf at the beginning of June AND I'm planning on returning to band rehearsals within the next couple of weeks. AT LAST SOME NORMALITY IN MY LIFE!!!!!!
I will contribute more to the blog over the coming weeks, and as I progress towards my transplant I will express my feelings as I approach surgery yet again.
Don't desert me now.