Wednesday, 15 April 2009


After the successful result of my x-ray my doc suggests that the problem seems to be muscular, and that I should consider physiotherapy. I'm not sure about the potential benefit, but I will give it a go and see if I can get any real relief. I don't have a great deal of faith in physiotherapy for this kind of thing but I must explore every avenue to achieve a more comfortable life.
Meanwhile, and by total coincidence I met a hospital doctor and decided to go against my usual 'better' judgment and asked for an informal opinion. She said that she wasn't surprised by my ongoing discomfort, and that it would not be unusual for the healing process to take up to 18 months after major surgery. I find that heartening even though it may mean continuing pain for a while longer. I am happy to be in the 'normal' scheme of things; I don't want to be exceptional.
Anyway let's see how things develop over the next couple of months.

Tuesday, 17 March 2009


Well the good news is that my x-rays proved satisfactory; so no problem with my Sternum, which is healing well. I am allowed to play golf again, but I must be a little careful!!
So the bad news is that I am still suffering severe discomfort and some pain, so something is still not in order. We don't yet know what the problem is, but it will probably be either muscular or nerve damage. I will be having more tests and examinations, and, hopefully we will resolve the problem without too much inconvenience (or pain!).
Let's see how it all turns out.
Watch this space - again!!!!

Monday, 9 March 2009


It seems that getting over major surgery, and all the healing process that goes with it is never-ending. After a long slow recovery the wound to my chest just doesn't seem to really improve. Not surprisingly after surgery involving muscle, nerve tissue and the sternum (or breastbone to my non medically qualified readers) the internal repair is never ending. After some months of gradual improvement I now seem to be going backwards. My chest has become very tender and painful to the extent that I am prevented from some activities. I am woken at night with the pain, and I have become worried that something may be wrong. I have seen my doctor and she has expressed some concern. I should now, over a year after surgery, be fully healed. It is possible that my breastbone has not properly fused and that is causing the extreme discomfort. I have had an x-ray today, and now must wait for the results.
I dread to think what might be necessary to rectify the problem if it does prove to be the bone, but hopefully we will find that it is muscular or nerve damage. I wonder if perhaps I'm being over sensitive; I don't think so, but we shall see.
In the meantime I've been advised to take it easy, cut out the golf and wait for the results. So that's what I'll do.
Hopefully I will be able to post some more positive news very soon.

Saturday, 7 February 2009


What a strange day it is today; it is the first 'anniversary' of my heart surgery and it is having a very odd effect on me. When I went to bed last night I was very aware that, one year ago, I was in the pre-op ward at Hammersmith Hospital where I was being prepared for my surgery. When I fell asleep I fell into the most realistic dream. I remembered everything about that day, and, in my sleep I lived every moment of the preparation, from my arrival at the hospital, through my meetings with the medical staff, the full body shave, the special antiseptic shower; everything!! The last I remember before I woke up was being wheeled into the theatre. THEN I WOKE UP! and I was in dreadful pain, with my chest feeling as if it had been opened up afresh and was raw with the pain. I never believed in psychosomatic pain UNTIL NOW! It was just so real - and so painful that I almost cried out. I can't explain it, but the pain in my chest lasted right through the morning, and only started easing during the afternoon. As I write this I still feel very tender, with significant aching right across my chest. I would never have thought that this anniversary would have such an effect, but here it is.
I suppose I feel that today is my first 'other' birthday. After all I did doubt whether I would make it through my surgery, so I should feel celebratory.
Everything about this last year has been so meaningful, with many new experiences and a new determination to make the most of my life. I just hope that I can continue with a positive attitude, which should carry me through my next bout of surgery later in the year.
But that's another story!!

Wednesday, 28 January 2009


Last Friday was my 65th birthday. It seems hard to think that one year ago, I had serious doubts over whether or not I would ever have another birthday, and yet here I am. It has been an amazing year with experiences and emotions I would never have imagined. I really do feel re-born, so perhaps I should call this my first birthday. I have truly tried to live up to my promise to myself to enjoy every moment of my life and have tried to fill my time with things I want to do. But it's not easy. My return to 'normal' coincided with the most serious financial crisis we have ever known, and I had to come to terms with the resulting massive reduction in income. After earning nothing for almost six months this was a heavy blow, but I am a man of simple pleasures and cost is not everything. I have been able to enjoy my life; golf, the band, work and my friends and family and, although I do suffer from extreme tiredness I do enjoy my activities.
I now find myself looking forward to 2009 with some confidence that I will recover in health and strength. My kidney transplant is not imminent; in fact I may have a whole year before I need the surgery.
I will try not to neglect this blog so much in the future - it really does help me.