Tuesday, 17 March 2009


Well the good news is that my x-rays proved satisfactory; so no problem with my Sternum, which is healing well. I am allowed to play golf again, but I must be a little careful!!
So the bad news is that I am still suffering severe discomfort and some pain, so something is still not in order. We don't yet know what the problem is, but it will probably be either muscular or nerve damage. I will be having more tests and examinations, and, hopefully we will resolve the problem without too much inconvenience (or pain!).
Let's see how it all turns out.
Watch this space - again!!!!

Monday, 9 March 2009


It seems that getting over major surgery, and all the healing process that goes with it is never-ending. After a long slow recovery the wound to my chest just doesn't seem to really improve. Not surprisingly after surgery involving muscle, nerve tissue and the sternum (or breastbone to my non medically qualified readers) the internal repair is never ending. After some months of gradual improvement I now seem to be going backwards. My chest has become very tender and painful to the extent that I am prevented from some activities. I am woken at night with the pain, and I have become worried that something may be wrong. I have seen my doctor and she has expressed some concern. I should now, over a year after surgery, be fully healed. It is possible that my breastbone has not properly fused and that is causing the extreme discomfort. I have had an x-ray today, and now must wait for the results.
I dread to think what might be necessary to rectify the problem if it does prove to be the bone, but hopefully we will find that it is muscular or nerve damage. I wonder if perhaps I'm being over sensitive; I don't think so, but we shall see.
In the meantime I've been advised to take it easy, cut out the golf and wait for the results. So that's what I'll do.
Hopefully I will be able to post some more positive news very soon.